FREE Thurs AM Transparent Communication
A sacred gathering of deep listening & connection.
Service Description
Please join me to Practice Transparent Communication. In this online gathering, we will practice deep listening to ourselves and learn how to use the attunement to our body, heart, and head as a spacious hosting platform for ourselves and others. This is not a therapy group; however, offering our presence to ourselves and to others can be profoundly healing and lead to personal growth and increased self-awareness. In this spiritual gathering, we practice creating a container of deep coherence and intimacy. This container is a safe space, inviting our shadows to arise and be held in Compassionate Presence. Here we can all feel secure and supported in our personal and cultural transformation journey. Groups like these are paramount in this time of polycrisis. They offer a place to practice the skills of awakening, inclusion, and profound personal and cultural transformation. To put your mind at ease, here is the format of our practice group: - Open the space with mindfulness, giving everyone time to land. - Time to introduce ourselves and check in - A guided meditation that supports our personal attunement - Introduction of the theme and the practice of Transparent Communication - We will then break into smaller Triads (groups of three) to practice speaking from our inner experience. One person shares while the other practitioners listen deeply, with their entire bodies. Feedback may be shared, not as a critique or to offer solutions, but rather sharing from what arose in the listeners while the other practitioners spoke. - We will all come back together and share any poignant experiences, harvesting the growth opportunities in the larger group. - Close the sacred space. Please note that everything shared in our practice group is confidential. We will make this agreement at the beginning of each practice group.

Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Cancellation Policy: It's a FREE class; there is no cancellation policy ; ) However, the 'request' is - if you have a minute to let me know you won't be able to make it, I would appreciate it. That way, we aren't waiting for you. May the stars align so that it is easy for you to attend. Namaste, Kim
Contact Details
26 Elmwood Place, Regina, SK, Canada
(306) 527-2044