The Art of Sensing
September 28th
9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Investment $60
Join me and my dear friend Krista Strayer, Essential Oils addict & Wellness Lifestyle Coach, for this unique retreat. Our intention is to support an awakening of a stronger, more vibrant felt sense of what is unfolding in the moment.
In this mini-retreat, we will:
delight in our bodies that read all of this sacred, subtle information
explore the subtle data that is present within the oils, ourselves/Selves, our fellow explorers, and the sacred space
become the consciously embodied expression of the divine in the given moment
The tools we will use:
Presence (aka - the Art of Sensing)
the powerful and safe holding container created by coming together
essential oils
beautiful music
attunement with our little "s" self, our big "S" Self, the space we move in, and the sisters/brothers we move with
transparent communication
iRest Yoga Nidra
slowing down
Sign up to reserve your spot. Space is limited. No experience is required.